Rádio Memories

by Rádios appradio.pro

Music & Audio


RADIO MEMOREIS: It was born in 2013, moved by the passion of David Pires, who at the time was connected to a large local Radio, ahead of the program “Memories A Música da Sua Vida”.He structured Rádio Memoreis, which ran automatically 24 hours a day, with music from the 60s, 70s, Jovem Guarda and Roberto Carlos (other of Davids passions).Rádio grew and today has an eclectic program; it has a Producer, Programmer, Technician, 6 announcers and 3 announcers; always with the commitment of “Good Music at All Times”.Radio MemoreisListen Without Moderation!------------------------------❤ Developer: Virtues Media & Apps Agency✪ APPRADIO.PRO: www.appradio.pro✪ Website: www.virtues.ag✪ Email: [email protected]✪ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AgenciaVirtues✪ Google: https://goo.gl/82B9SK✪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/agvirtues✪ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/contasvirtues✪ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agvirtues